Showing 9–16 of 30 results
Zombie Driveby
$41.00Zombies are popping up all over the graveyard tonight so you have to key, color correct, time and place zombies, plus a day for night treatment on the graveyard plate.
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Zombie Graveyard
$37.00This frightening 242 frame shot requires you to create the mood and trick up the zombie for maximum scariness. This shot allows you to demonstrate several visual effects skills.
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Zombie Roar
$37.00Demonstrate your horrific creative talent by tricking up this 90 frame zombie shot to create something truly frightening.
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Karate 03
$35.00Key and comp this Karate fast-action shot to demonstrate your ability to key fast action but also to show you know how to work with a clean plate for keying.
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KeyPack 03
$27.00A set of 10 RED Greenscreens with 12 frames each to practice keying over 6 different backgrounds.
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KeyPack 04
$27.00Set of 10 Sony F900 blue and green screen plates with 12 frames each to practice keying over 6 different still backgrounds.
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KeyPack 05
$27.00Set of 10 ARRI green screens and blue screens with 12 frames of each clip for keying over 6 different backgrounds
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KeyPack 06
$27.00Set of 10 awful greenscreens and bluescreens of 12 frames each to test your mettle wth difficult plates. If you can key these you can key anything.
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